Keywords Performance Report

Query the campaign information according to the specified keyword.

Resource URL{sellerid}

Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.


Name Required? Description
sellerid Yes Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace

Resource Information

HTTP Method Authentication? Request Formats Response Formats Rate Limited?
POST Required Json Json 1000 request per hour

Request Body

Attribute Required? Format Description
sellerId Yes String Your seller ID
extUrl Yes String Performance exact link
Available values

  • keyword/searchKeywordList
countryCode No String The ISO standard 3-digit codes of the country
campaignNumber Yes Integer The identifier of the campaign to which the keyword is associated
groupNumber Yes Integer The identifier of the ad group to which this keyword is associated
searchKeywordType No Enum KEYWORD, fuzzy match

It is used in conjunction with the keyword, and the value is passed at the same time or not at all

If it is not passed, it means that this condition is not filtered

keyword No String Restricts results to keywords that match the specified text exactly
activeStatus No Enum Available values

  • Active:  Query the data of Processing, Delivering, Out of budget status
  • Inactive: Query the data of Inactive and Ended states
fromDate Yes String The starting date of the campaign
toDate Yes String The end date of the campaign
pageInfo pageIndex No Integer Current page index (Default is 1)
pageSize No Integer How many records in a page  (Default is 20 , Max is 9999999 per page)
sortField No String the field name of Sort, the default is InDate
sortType No String Default Desc, support Desc, Asc two sorting methods

Example: Json, Request

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: 2d9da3949bdffd8594e9fa8a77764ce1
SecretKey: 55F55BC1-5E65-401B-BB1D-E29B0A19B734  
  "sellerId": "A2GS",
  "extUrl": "keyword/searchKeywordList",
  "countryCode": null,
  "campaignNumber": "989059",
  "groupNumber": "992977",
  "searchKeywordType": "KEYWORD",
  "keyword": "test manufacturer",
  "activeStatus": null,
  "fromDate": "2022-01-01",
  "toDate": "2022-09-09",
  "pageInfo": {
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "sortField": "InDate",
    "sortType": "Desc"

Response Body




ACoS Decimal product spend / campaign Sales revenue
activeStatus Enum Available values

  • Active: Query the data of Processing, Delivering, Out of budget status
  • Inactive: Query the data of Inactive and Ended states
bid Decimal Bid associated with this keyword
campaignName String The name of the campaign to which the keyword is associated
campaignNumber Integer The identifier of the campaign to which the keyword is associated
clicks Integer the number of clicks that the keyword receives
competition Enum Competition level
Available values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
cpc Decimal cost-per-click
cr Decimal Conversion rates
ctr Decimal CTR is the number of clicks that the product receives divided by the number of times your ad is impressions
declineReason String The campaign decline reason
groupName String The name of the ad group to which this keyword is associated
groupNumber Integer The identifier of the ad group to which this keyword is associated
impressions Integer the number of times the keyword shown
inDate String Keyword creation Date
inUser String Keyword creation user
keyword String The text of the expression to match against a search query
keywordUrl String keyword Url on Newegg site
matchType The type of match. Available values:

  • 0: Exact
  • 1: Broad
  • 6: Phrase
normalizedKeyword String Normalized Keyword
orders Integer order count of the keyword
sales Decimal Sales revenue on the keyword
searchVolume String keyword search Volume
spend Decimal spend amount on the keyword
status String The Campaign Status Description

  • Pending
  • Delivering
  • Processing
  • Out of budget
  • Inactive
  • Ended
suggBid Decimal The bid recommendation
suggBidLowest Decimal The lower bound bid recommendation
suggBidMost Decimal The upper bound bid recommendation
totalRows Integer Total number of the record

Example: Json, Response

  "header": [
      "msg": "query keywords success!",
      "bizCode": "200"
  "rows": [
      "campaignNumber": 0,
      "campaignName": null,
      "groupNumber": 0,
      "groupName": null,
      "keyword": "test manufacturer",
      "matchType": 1,
      "normalizedKeyword": "manufacture|test",
      "keywordUrl": " manufacturer",
      "suggBid": 0.4,
      "suggBidLowest": 0.4,
      "suggBidMost": 0.5,
      "searchVolume": "NA",
      "competition": "Low",
      "bid": 0.1,
      "userId": null,
      "userName": null,
      "activeStatus": "Active",
      "status": "Delivering",
      "declineReason": null,
      "inDate": "Tue Feb 08 14:17:38 PST 2022",
      "inUser": "28740045",
      "costModel": null,
      "spend": 0,
      "sales": 0,
      "acos": 0,
      "impressions": 0,
      "clicks": 0,
      "ctr": 0,
      "orders": 0,
      "cr": 0,
      "cpc": 0
  "totalRows": 1

Last updated: October 03, 2022