Submit Void Inbound Shipment Request

Submit a request to Newegg for voiding the existing shipment.

Resource URL{sellerid}{sellerid}

Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.


Name Required? Description
sellerid Yes Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace

Resource Information

HTTP Method Authentication? Request Formats Response Formats Rate Limited?
POST Required XML, Json XML, Json 100 requests per min per client

Request Body

Attribute Required? Format Description
OperationType Yes String Fixed values: SubmitShipmentRequest
ShipmentID Yes String Existing shipment ID
ActionCode Yes Integer Action code:


Schema: SubmitInboundShipmentRequest_Void.xsd

Example: XML, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml


Example: Json, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "OperationType": "SubmitShipmentRequest",
    "RequestBody": {
        "Shipment": {
            "ActionCode": 2,
            "ShipmentID": 2771551

Response Body

Attribute Format Description
IsSuccess String Get feed status operation:

True: Successful
False: Not successful

OperationType String Fixed value: SubmitShipmentResponse
SellerID String Your seller ID
RequestID String The Identifier of  submission
RequestDate String Request date of submission
RequestStatus String The status of the request submission:


Schema: SubmitInboundShipmentResponse.xsd

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <RequestDate>06/06/2013 10:21:00</RequestDate>

Example: Json, Response

    "IsSuccess": true,
    "OperationType": "SubmitShipmentResponse",
    "SellerID": "A006",
    "ResponseBody": {
        "RequestID": "Z2OTIV1AVVBJ",
        "RequestDate": "07/11/2013 17:24:46",
        "RequestStatus": "SUBMITTED"

Request Failure Errors

For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.

Error Code Description
SBN001 Delivery to the Newegg warehouse: {ShipToWarehouseCode} of Seller Part # {SellerPart#} is not available. Please
submit a Get Inbound Shipment Plan request to receive the information of available option(s).
SBN002 Invalid Seller Part # :{sellerpart#}.
SBN003 Seller Part # :{sellerpart#} is marked as Shipped by Seller now, please convert this item to Shipped by Newegg and try again.
SBN004 Invalid Shipment ID:{ShipmentID}
SBN005 Cannot void Shipment: [ShipmentID]. Shipment using Newegg Partnered Carrier service cannot be void 48 hours after pre-paid shipping label created.
SBN006 Cannot void Shipment: [ShipmentID]. Shipment cannot be void because it is marked as [Received or Partially Received or Manually closed or Voided].
SBN007 The field: [PackageWeight or PackageLength or PackageHeight or PackageWidth ] is required when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode:105). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN008 The value in the field: PackageWeight cannot exceed 150 lbs. (70 kg) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service
(ShippingCarrierCode:105). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN009 The value in the field: PackageLength cannot exceed 108 inches (270 cm) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode:105). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN010 Package size cannot exceed 165 inches (419 cm) in (Package Length + 2x Package Width + 2x Package Height) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode:105). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN011 The field: OtherCarrierName is required when Shipping Carrier is Other (ShippingCarrierCode: 99). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN012 The value in the field of ShippingCarrier can only be Other (ShippingCarrierCode: 99) when the ShippingMethodCode= 2. For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN013 Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode: 105) is not available for international sellers.
SBN014 Package Dimension Weight cannot exceed 150 lbs.(70kg) in (Package Length x Package Width x Package Height/166) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode:105). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide, SBN section.
SBN015 The field:[MSDSURL] is required when ORM-D = 1. For more detail, please contact

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Message>Invalid Seller Part # :XYZ.</Message>

Example: Json, Response

        "Code": "SBN002",
        "Message": "Invalid Seller Part # :XYZ."

Last updated: October 15, 2018