Update Item Inventory

Maintaining the inventory quantity of items in all registered warehouses around the world, including the United States.

Resource URL

Newegg.com: https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/contentmgmt/item/international/inventory?sellerid={sellerid}

Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.


Name Required? Description
sellerid Yes Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace

Resource Information

HTTP Method Authentication? Request Formats Response Formats Rate Limited?
POST Required XML, Json XML, Json 10,000 request per hour

Request Body

Attribute Required? Format Description
Type Yes Integer Available values:

  • 0: NE Item #
  • 1: Seller Part #
  • 2: UPC
Value Yes String A string according to inquiry type
Condition No Integer Available values:

  • 1: New (default)
  • 2: Refurbished
  • 3: Used – Like New
  • 4: Used – Very Good
  • 5: Used – Good
  • 6: Used – Acceptable

Only applies if type = [2-UPC code]. If type does not = [2-UPC code], then this column will be disregarded.

WarehouseLocation Yes String The ISO standard 3-digit codes of the country where your warehouse is located. Please download the following to review details:

Note: Submissions with incorrect values will error-out.

AvailableQuantity Yes integer Item inventory quantity in seller’s warehouse for specified location.

Schema: UpdateInventoryRequest.xsd

Example: XML, Request

POST https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/contentmgmt/item/international/inventory?sellerid={SellerID}
Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml


Example: Json, Request

POST https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/contentmgmt/item/international/inventory?sellerid={SellerID}
Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "Type": "1",
    "Value": "A006BSP3",
    "InventoryList": {
        "Inventory": [
                "WarehouseLocation": "USA",
                "AvailableQuantity": "107"
                "WarehouseLocation": "AUS",
                "AvailableQuantity": "0"

Response Body

Attribute Format Description
SellerID String Your seller ID
ItemNumber String Newegg item#
SellerPartNumber String Seller Part#
WarehouseLocation String The ISO standard 3-digit codes of the country where your warehouse is
located. Copy link to your browser to review details:  International Country Guide
AvailableQuantity Integer Current available inventory in this warehouse.

Schema: UpdateInventoryResponse.xsd

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Example: Json, Response

    "SellerID": "A006",
    "ItemNumber": "9SIA00607Y6476",
    "SellerPartNumber": "A006BSP3",
    "InventoryList": {
        "Inventory": [
                "WarehouseLocation": "USA",
                "AvailableQuantity": "107"
                "WarehouseLocation": "AUS",
                "AvailableQuantity": "0"

Request Failure Errors

For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.

Error Code Description
CT001 Invalid ItemNumber
CT002 Invalid SellerPartNumber
CT003 Invalid UPCCode
CT005 Invalid Action Type. We only support: 0 – NE Item#, 1 – Seller Parts#, 2 – UPC Code
CT010 Cannot find item with specified item condition.
CT014 SellerItemNumber or SellerPartNumber does not exist
CT015 Item does not belong to this seller
CT023 Inventory value must be between 0 and 999999
CT025 This item is an approved promotion and its minimum inventory cannot be lower than {0}
CT055 This is a duplicated request for Seller Part #: [seller part #]. This item does not exist in Newegg so we are not able to process your request. We will resume the process of price and inventory update for this item 8 hours after [last failed timestamp].
CT073 The request for item: { SellerPart#} has been processed with error.Country: [country1,country2] Failed reason: The specified warehouse location has not been setup yet. Please set up your warehouse(s) then submit your request again.

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Message> The 'Type' element is invalid - The value 'a' is invalid according to its
datatype 'Int' - The string 'a' is not a valid Int32 value.</Message>

Example: Json, Response

    "Code": "CT002",
    "Message": "Invalid SellerPartNumber"

Last updated: October 15, 2018