Get Additional Order Information

Retrieve the additional information for Newegg Global order including:

  • Additional order requirement for certain countries.
  • The original recipient information for orders shipped by NISP service.
  • The original recipient information inputted by international customers.

Resource URL{sellerid}

Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.


Name Required? Description
sellerid Yes Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace

Resource Information

HTTP Method Authentication? Request Formats Response Formats Rate Limited?
POST Required XML, Json XML, Json 10,000 request per hour

Request Body

Attribute Required? Format Description
IssueUser No String Specify your eligible seller account (email address) here.
OperationType Yes String Fixed value: GetAddOrderInfoRequest
PageIndex No Integer Current page index

If left blank, will use 1 as default.

PageSize No Integer Return records count in one page.
(Max is 100 per page)If left blank, will use 100 as default.
OrderNumber No Integer Newegg order number

Ignores other search conditions (request criteria) if order number specified this field.

Status No Integer Available values:

0: Unshipped
1: Partially Shipped
2: Shipped
3: Invoiced
4: Voided
5: All

If left blank, will return orders in Unshipped status

OrderDownloaded No Integer Available values:

0: False (Default): include downloaded orders
1: True: do not include downloaded orders

Type No Integer Available values:
0: All (Default)
1: SBN (Shipped by Newegg)
2: SBS (Shipped by Seller)
VoidSoon No Integer The order will be auto voided after 24 or 48 hours.
Available values:
OrderDateFrom No String Order Date From (Pacific Standard Time)
Please refer to the Acceptable Date Format
OrderDateTo No String Order Date To (Pacific Standard Time)
Please refer to the Acceptable Date Format
CountryCode No String The country for your orders.
Only the ISO standard 3-digit codes are accepted.  To review the complete list of available values, please download the following:

Schema: GetAddOrderInfoRequest.xsd

Example: XML, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml

            <OrderDateFrom>2017-01-01 09:30:47</OrderDateFrom>
            <OrderDateTo>2017-12-17 09:30:47</OrderDateTo>

Example: Json, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "OperationType": "GetAddOrderInfoRequest",
    "RequestBody": {
        "PageIndex": "1",
        "PageSize": "10",
        "RequestCriteria": {
            "OrderNumberList": {
                "OrderNumber": [
            "Status": "1",
            "Type": "1",
            "OrderDateFrom": "2017-01-01 09:30:47",
            "OrderDateTo": "2017-12-17 09:30:47",
            "OrderDownloaded": 0,
            "CountryCode": "BRA"

Response Body

Attribute Format Description
IsSuccess String Used to identify the operation of Get Additional Order Info is successful:

true or false

SellerID String Your seller ID
OperationType String Fixed value: GetAddOrderInfoResponse
TotalCount Integer Total number of records
TotalPageCount Integer Total page count
PageSize Integer How many records in a page.
PageIndex Integer Current page index
OrderNumber Integer Newegg Order number
RecipientIDType String A personal identity document provided by the customer. This information is required for customs clearance for the following countries with available values:

  • Brazil: CPF, CNPJ, and Passport
  • China: Identification Card
  • Saudi Arabia: National ID, and Resident ID
RecipientIDNumber String The value of the ID associated with the document identified under “ID Type”.
OrderDownloaded String False: Order has not been downloaded yet.
True: Order downloaded already.

When an order is shipped, this field will automatically become “True”.

NISPOriFirstName String First Name of the original recipient
NISPOriLastName String Last Name of the original recipient
NISPOriCompanyName String Company name of the original recipient
NISPOriAddress1 String Address line 1 of the original recipient
NISPOriAddress2 String Address line 2 of the original recipient
NISPOriCity String City of the original recipient
NISPOriState String State of the original recipient
NISPOriZipCode String Zipcode of the original recipient
NISPOriCountryCode String Destination country of the original recipient
NISPOriPhoneNumber String Contact phone number of the original recipient
OriginalFirstName String First Name of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalLastName String Last Name of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalCompanyName String Company name of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalAddress1 String Address line 1 of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalAddress2 String Address line 2 of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalCity String City of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalState String State of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalZipCode String Zipcode of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalCountryCode String Destination country of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
OriginalPhoneNumber String Contact phone number of the recipient, in the original format inputted by the customer
AddInfo1 String Additional information may include further information related to Newegg Global orders or data that may be providing additional information that is beneficial to your operation in Newegg Marketplace. It is optional and currently, no data is available. We will notify sellers once they are available.
AddInfo2 String
AddInfo3 String
TaxDutyTypeChina String Identify the tax and duty rules to be applied for items shipping to China. Available options:

  • DDU: Deliver Duties Unpaid. No duty or tax will be added to orders. Customers are responsible for additional duties and taxes during the customs clearance.
  • DDP: Deliver Duties Paid. Duties and taxes will be collected while customers placing orders. Sellers are responsible to pay all duties and taxes directly.
  • ATI: All tax included. All duties and taxes are included in the item’s selling price. No duty or tax will be added to orders. Seller is responsible to pay all duties and taxes directly.
  • Default: Apply the account level settings, DDU, DDP, or ATI, you specified.
ImportTypeChina String Identify the order import type for calculating the correct tax amount for items shipping to China. Available options:

  • EE: Taxes will be calculated as personal shipments. Recipient’s photo ID number and the copy of ID will be provided for processing orders.
  • EEP: Taxes will be calculated as business to customer direct shipments, known as Cross-Border e-Commerce. Payment holder’s photo ID number will be provided for processing orders.
  • Default: Apply the account level settings, EE or EEP, you specified.
IDCopyFront String The direct link for downloading the images of ID copy, front side.
IDCopyBack String The direct link for downloading the images of ID copy, back side.
Memo String Other information
ResponseDate String Response date (Pacific Standard Time)

Schema: GetAddOrderInfoResponse.xsd

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <RecipientIDType>Identification Card</RecipientIDType>
                    <NISPOriCompanyName />
                    <NISPOriAddress1>149 Tianfu Blvd</NISPOriAddress1>
                    <NISPOriAddress2 />
                    <OriginalCompanyName />
                    <OriginalAddress1>天府大道149 号</OriginalAddress1>
                    <OriginalAddress2 />
    <Memo />
    <ResponseDate>09/01/2018 16:51:03</ResponseDate>

Example: Json, Response

    "IsSuccess": "true",
    "SellerID": "A006",
    "OperationType": "GetAddOrderInfoResponse",
    "ResponseBody": {
        "PageInfo": {
            "TotalCount": "2",
            "TotalPageCount": "1",
            "PageSize": "10",
            "PageIndex": "1"
        "AddOrderInfoList": {
            "AddOrderInfo": {
                "OrderNumber": "41473642",
                "RecipientIDType": "Identification Card",
                "RecipientIDNumber": "511522198812036655",
                "NISPOriginalInfo": {
                    "NISPOriFirstName": "Guang",
                    "NISPOriLastName": "Li",
                    "NISPOriCompanyName": "",
                    "NISPOriAddress1": "149 Tianfu Blvd",
                    "NISPOriAddress2": "",
                    "NISPOriCity": "Chengdu",
                    "NISPOriState": "Sichuan",
                    "NISPOriZipCode": "64410",
                    "NISPOriCountryCode": "CHINA",
                    "NISPOriPhoneNumber": "13812345678"
                "OriginalInputInfo": {
                    "OriginalFirstName": "广",
                    "OriginalLastName": "李",
                    "OriginalCompanyName": "",
                    "OriginalAddress1": "天府大道149 号",
                    "OriginalAddress2": "",
                    "OriginalCity": "成都",
                    "OriginalState": "四川",
                    "OriginalZipCode": "64410",
                    "OriginalCountryCode": "CHINA",
                    "OriginalPhoneNumber": "13812345678"
                "TaxDutyTypeChina": "ATI",
                "ImportTypeChina": "EE",
                "IDCopyFront": "",
                "IDCopyBack": ""
    "Memo": "",
    "ResponseDate": "09/01/2018 16:51:03"

Request Failure Errors

For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Message>SellerID cannot be null or empty</Message>

Example: Json, Response

        "Code": "CE001",
        "Message": "SellerID cannot be null or empty"

Last updated: July 24, 2019