Submit Feed

The available feeds in Newegg Marketplace to submit:


Feed Request Type  Available for Platform(s) Description
Item Creation/Update Feed ITEM_DATA All Batch create or update items based on specified subcategories.
Existing Item Creation Feed ITEM_DATA All Batch create items by matching against existing items in Newegg’s catalog.
Item Basic Information Feed ITEM_DATA All Batch updating basic information for items without having to specify item subcategory.
Inventory Update Feed INVENTORY_DATA Batch update items inventory where warehouse(s) is located locally or different region, only one warehouse per region.
Price Update Feed PRICE_DATA Batch update items price information, shipping, and/or activation for targeted country.
Inventory And Price Feed INVENTORY_AND_PRICE_DATA, Batch update items inventory, price information, shipping, and/or activation.
Order Ship Notice Feed ORDER_SHIP_NOTICE_DATA All Batch ship orders that is placed on Newegg that seller’s will be responsible to fulfill.
Multi Channel Order Feed MULTICHANNEL_ORDER_DATA, Batch create multi-channel orders that are not placed on Newegg.  Seller’s may fulfill orders from other channels, if and only if, the items is fulfilled by SBN (Shipped by Newegg).
Volume Discount Feed VOLUME_DISCOUNT_DATA All Batch add/update/remove items for Volume Discount program.
Item CA Prop 65 Feed ITEM_CAPROP65_DATA, Batch add California’s Proposition 65 (“Prop 65”) Warnings for Items.
Item Safeguard Setting Feed ITEM_SAFEGUARD_SETTING_DATA All Provides a price safeguard option for the seller to set up a rule to prevent wrong pricing action.

Feed Rate Limit

Request Type  Rate Limited? Maximum Size of Request 
ITEM_DATA 10 request per minute Max: 3000 records per file and each file cannot exceed 15 MB

Limit: 30,000 records per hour

INVENTORY_DATA 10 request per minute Max: 10,000 records per file

Limit: 100,000 records per hour

ORDER_SHIP_NOTICE_DATA 1000 request per hour Max: 10,000 records per file






Last updated: October 15, 2018