Get SBN (Shipped by Newegg) Order Cancellation Request Result
Get the status of specified SBN (Shipped by Newegg) cancellation request.
Resource URL{ordernumber}?sellerid={sellerid}{ordernumber}?sellerid={sellerid}{ordernumber}?sellerid={sellerid}
Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.
Name | Required? | Description |
sellerid | Yes | Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace |
ordernumber | Yes | The order number |
Resource Information
HTTP Method | Authentication? | Request Formats | Response Formats | Rate Limited? |
GET | Required | XML, Json | XML, Json | 1000 per min per client |
Request Body
Example: XML, Request
GET{ordernumber}?sellerid={sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml
Example: Json, Request
GET{ordernumber}?sellerid={sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json
Response Body
Attribute | Format | Description |
IsSuccess | String | Used to identify the operation of order confirmation is successful Response: true or false |
SellerID | String | Your seller ID |
OperationType | String | Fixed value: GetSBNOrderCancellationResultResponse |
ResponseDate | String | The Date Time of a response (Pacific Standard Time) |
RequestDate | String | The date time of request (Pacific Standard Time) |
OrderNumber | Integer | The order number |
Result | String | Available values:
Success |
ErrorMessage | String | Error message if the request was failed |
Schema: GetSBNOrderCancellationResponse.xsd
Example: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <NeweggAPIResponse> <IsSuccess>true</IsSuccess> <OperationType>GetSBNOrderCancellationResultResponse</OperationType> <SellerID>A006</SellerID> <ResponseDate>2/22/2012 16:37:20</ResponseDate> <ResponseBody> <RequestDate>2/22/2012 15:37:20</RequestDate> <OrderNumber>159243598</OrderNumber> <Result>Failed</Result> <ErrorMessage>Order void was not successful due to technical issues / order already shipped.</ErrorMessage> </ResponseBody> </NeweggAPIResponse>
Example: Json, Response
{ "IsSuccess": "true", "OperationType": "GetSBNOrderCancellationResultResponse", "SellerID": "A006", "ResponseDate": "2/22/2012 16:37:20", "ResponseBody": { "RequestDate": "2/22/2012 15:37:20", "OrderNumber": "159243598", "Result": "Failed", "ErrorMessage": "Order void was not successful due to technical issues / order alreadyshipped." } }
Request Failure Errors
For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.
Error Code | Description |
SO002 | Order Number should be an integer (ranging from 1 to 2147483647) |
SO003 | No data found or this order does not belong to this seller |
SO004 | This is a replacement SO with a RMA number. It cannot be voided |
SO005 | Cannot remove item because this is a Shipped by Newegg order. order is Shipped by Newegg |
SO006 | Only unshipped orders can be voided. The order status is currently {0} |
SO007 | Cannot get the order status info |
SO008 | This order has already been voided |
SO009 | Order number cannot be null or empty |
SO041 | CANNOT find SONumber: {0} |
SO042 | Application exception occurred during calling EC Interface. SONumber: {0}, ItemNumber: {1}. Please Contact Newegg Marketplace. |
SO043 | Business exception occurred during calling EC Interface(3 invoice,4 void,1 shipped). SONumber: {0}, ItemNumber: {1}. Please Contact Newegg Marketplace. |
SO045 | Failed to get customer information! The customer number is {0}. |
SO046 | CANNOT find item in Newegg_SOTransaction, SONumber: {0}, ItemNumber: {1} |
SO047 | CANNOT get item detail information (sub category), ItemNumber: {0} |
SO049 | The ‘{0}’ is required. |
SO050 | The SellerPartNumber ‘{0}’ is invalid. |
SO051 | This ‘{0}’ has already been canceled in Newegg System. |
SO052 | CANNOT find out item by ordernumber ='{0}’ and sellerid='{1}’. |
SO053 | Cannot get the ordernumber='{0}’ status. |
SO054 | The ordernumber= ‘{0}’ is Replacement SO. CANNOT be voided. |
SO055 | The seller part# = ‘{0}’ is repeated. |
SO056 | Cannot remove item because this is a Shipped by Newegg order. order is Shipped by Newegg |
SO057 | The order #: [order#] is not a valid Shipped by Newegg order. Please verify the order # then submit your request again. |
SO058 | No void request found for order #:{order#}. |
Example: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Errors> <Error> <Code>SO002</Code> <Message>Order Number should be an integer (ranging from 1 to 2147483647)</Message> </Error> </Errors>
Example: Json, Response
[ { "Code": "SO002", "Message": "Order Number should be an integer (ranging from 1 to 2147483647)" } ]
Last updated: October 15, 2018