Get Inbound Shipment Plan Suggestion

Get an inbound shipment plan suggestion to identify the shipments of the items that you want to send to Newegg warehouse. By submitting the inbound shipment plan suggestion request, Newegg will provide the appropriate ship arrangement based on Newegg’s business intelligence. This will make your items allocation more reasonable and competitive.

Resource URL{sellerid}{sellerid}

Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.


Name Required? Description
sellerid Yes Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace

Resource Information

HTTP Method Authentication? Request Formats Response Formats Rate Limited?
PUT Required XML, Json XML, Json 1000 requests per min per client

Request Body

Attribute Required? Format Description
OperationType Yes String Fixed values: GetPlanSuggestionRequest
SellerPartNumber Yes String The item’s seller part number. It will be used to identify the item in Newegg.
PlannedQuantity Yes Integer The total quantity of the specified item you want to send to Newegg’s warehouse.
QuantityPerCarton No Integer The carton capacity for this item.

Fill this element, we will return the suggested number of cartons for you reference.

Schema: GetInboundShipmentPlanRequest.xsd

Example: XML, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml


Example: Json, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "OperationType": "GetPlanSuggestionRequest",
    "RequestBody": {
        "PlanSuggestion": {
            "ItemList": {
                "Item": [
                        "SellerPartNumber": "SS0120130516683100755",
                        "PlannedQuantity": 20,
                        "QuantityPerCarton": 10
                        "SellerPartNumber": "nz-tst-123",
                        "PlannedQuantity": 32,
                        "QuantityPerCarton": 10

Response Body

Attribute Format Description
IsSuccess String Get feed status operation:

True: Successful
False: Not successful

OperationType String Fixed value: GetPlanSuggestionResponse
SellerID String Your seller ID
ShipToWarehouseCode String The code of Newegg’s warehouse

Available values:

06: Tennessee Bulk Warehouse
07: California Small Warehouse
08: California Bulk Item Warehouse
10: New Jersey Bulk Warehouse
14: New Jersey Small Warehouse

ShipToAddress1 String The ship to address1 of Newegg’s warehouse
ShipToAddress2 String The ship to address2 of Newegg’s warehouse
ShipToCityName String The ship to city name of Newegg’s warehouse
ShipToStateCode String The ship to state code of Newegg’s warehouse
ShipToZipCode String The zip code of Newegg’s warehouse
ShipToCountryCode String The country code of Newegg’s warehouse
SellerPartNumber String The item’s seller part number
NeweggItemNumber String Newegg’s assigned number for item
Quantity Integer Suggested item quantity
NumberofCartons Integer Total cartons needed

Schema: GetInboundShipmentPlanResponse.xsd

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <ShipToAddress1>17708 Rowland St.</ShipToAddress1>
                <ShipToCityName>City of Industry</ShipToCityName>
                <ShipToAddress1>4995 Citation Dr Suite 101,Dock 1-10</ShipToAddress1>
                <ShipToAddress1>45 Patrick Ave., Dock 9-17</ShipToAddress1>

Example: Json, Response

    "IsSuccess": true,
    "OperationType": "GetPlanSuggestionResponse",
    "SellerID": "A006",
    "ResponseBody": {
        "ShipmentList": [
                "ShipToWarehouseCode": "07",
                "ShipToAddress1": "17708 Rowland St.",
                "ShipToCityName": "City of Industry",
                "ShipToStateCode": "CA",
                "ShipToZipCode": "91748",
                "ShipToCountryCode": "USA",
                "ItemList": [
                        "SellerPartNumber": "SS0120130516683100755",
                        "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA0060S01359",
                        "Quantity": 0,
                        "NumberofCartons": 0
                        "SellerPartNumber": "nz-tst-123",
                        "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA0060BB9157",
                        "Quantity": 13
                "ShipToWarehouseCode": "12",
                "ShipToAddress1": "4995 Citation Dr Suite 101,Dock 1-10",
                "ShipToCityName": "Memphis",
                "ShipToStateCode": "TN",
                "ShipToZipCode": "38118",
                "ShipToCountryCode": "USA",
                "ItemList": [
                        "SellerPartNumber": "SS0120130516683100755",
                        "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA0060S01359",
                        "Quantity": 10,
                        "NumberofCartons": 1
                        "SellerPartNumber": "nz-tst-123",
                        "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA0060BB9157",
                        "Quantity": 11
                "ShipToWarehouseCode": "14",
                "ShipToAddress1": "45 Patrick Ave., Dock 9-17",
                "ShipToCityName": "Edison",
                "ShipToStateCode": "NJ",
                "ShipToZipCode": "08837",
                "ShipToCountryCode": "USA",
                "ItemList": [
                        "SellerPartNumber": "SS0120130516683100755",
                        "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA0060S01359",
                        "Quantity": 10,
                        "NumberofCartons": 1
                        "SellerPartNumber": "nz-tst-123",
                        "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA0060BB9157",
                        "Quantity": 8

Request Failure Errors

For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.

Error Code Description
SBN002 Invalid Seller Part # :{sellerpart#}.
SBN003 Seller Part # :{sellerpart#} is marked as Shipped by Seller now, please convert this item to Shipped by Newegg and try again.

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Message>Invalid Seller Part # :XYZ.</Message>

Example: Json, Response

        "Code": "SBN002",
        "Message": "Invalid Seller Part # :XYZ."

Last updated: October 15, 2018