Group List
Query group list based on specified conditions Campaign Name, Active Status, Date Range, and other query-related campaign information.
Resource URL{sellerid}
Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.
Name | Required? | Description |
sellerid | Yes | Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace |
Resource Information
HTTP Method | Authentication? | Request Formats | Response Formats | Rate Limited? |
POST | Required | Json | Json | 1000 request per hour |
Request Body
Attribute | Request? | Format | Description | |
sellerId | Yes | String | Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace | |
countryCode | No | String | country Code | |
campaignNumber | Yes | Integer | The campaign identifier Number | |
searchKeywordType | No | Enum | Available values:
keyword | No | String | Restricts results to campaigns with the specified name. | |
activeStatus | No | Enum | Restricts results to resources with the state within the specified. Available values:
fromDate | Yes | DateTime | fromDate | |
toDate | Yes | DateTime | toDate | |
pageInfo | pageIndex | Yes | Integer | Current page index (Default is 1) |
pageSize | Yes | Integer | How many record(s) in a page (Max 100 per page) | |
sortField | Yes | String | the field name of Sort, The default is InDate | |
sortType | Yes | String | Default Desc, support Desc, Asc two sorting methods |
Example: Json, Request
POST{sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "sellerId": "AWJ3", "countryCode": null, "campaignNumber": 1007660, "searchKeywordType": "GROUP_NUM", "keyword": "1007661", "activeStatus": null, "fromDate": null, "toDate": null, "pageInfo": { "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 20, "sortField": "InDate", "sortType": "Desc" } }
Response Body
campaignNumber | Integer | The identifier of the campaign that the ad group is associated with |
campaignName | String | The name of the campaign |
groupNumber | Integer | The identifier of the ad group |
groupName | String | The name of the group |
countryCode | String | country Code |
defaultBid | Decimal | The bid value is used when no bid is specified for keywords in the group |
offSiteBid | Decimal | off site bid value |
type | Integer | The group Type Available values:
suggBid | Decimal | The bid recommendation |
suggBidLowest | Decimal | The lower bound bid recommendation |
suggBidMost | Decimal | The upper bound bid recommendation |
keywordSize | Integer | The keyword count |
keywordList | String | The keyword text. |
productSize | Integer | The products count |
productList | String | Products collection |
sellerID | String | Your seller ID |
sellerName | String | Your seller Name |
activeStatus | Enum | Restricts results to resources with the state within the specified. Available values:
status | String | The current ad group status. |
inDate | String | The creation date of the ad group |
inUser | Integer | The creator of the ad group |
logo | String | If campaign type for Headlines, value is Logo file’s name |
headline | String | If campaign type for Headlines, value is headline URL |
title | String | If campaign type for Headlines, The Head Lines entered by the UI is displayed below the Seller Logo |
landingPageType | Integer | Available values:
landingPageUrl | String | The landing Page Url |
declineReason | String | campaign decline Reason |
videoUrl | String | If campaign type for Video, show Video URL |
costModel | Integer | Available values:
productTargetingList | String | The product Targeting List |
totalRows | Integer | Total number of the result |
Example: Json, Response
{ "header": [ { "msg": "search groups success", "bizCode": "026" } ], "rows": [ { "campaignNumber": 1007660, "campaignName": "Powered USB Hub 3.0 USB Splitter Thunderbolt to USB-C to HDMI Campaign-2022-02-22 03:24:02", "groupNumber": 1007661, "groupName": "Powered USB Hub 3.0 USB Splitter Thunderbolt to USB-C to HDMI", "countryCode": "USA", "defaultBid": 0.89, "offSiteBid": null, "type": 0, "suggBid": null, "suggBidLowest": null, "suggBidMost": null, "keywordSize": 1359, "keywordList": null, "productSize": 2, "productList": [ "9SIAWJ3FS91499", "9SIAWJ3FRH9509" ], "sellerID": "AWJ3", "sellerName": "", "activeStatus": "Active", "status": "Delivering", "inDate": "Sat Feb 19 15:46:26 PST 2022", "inUser": "93877013", "logo": null, "headline": null, "title": null, "landingPageType": 0, "landingPageUrl": null, "declineReason": null, "videoUrl": null, "costModel": 0, "productTargetingList": null } ], "totalRows": 1 }
Last updated: June 29, 2022