Issue Courtesy Refund
Submit a Courtesy Refund Request.
Use this function when it is simply to issue the customer a courtesy refund that does not require RMA shipment returned to seller. This function is a request and will need user to use Get Courtesy Refund Request Status to receive update about the status of the courtesy refund creation.
Note: Commission will not be refunded for refunds issued as courtesy refund.
Resource URL{sellerid}{sellerid}{sellerid}
Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.
Name | Required? | Description |
sellerid | Yes | Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace |
Resource Information
HTTP Method | Authentication? | Request Formats | Response Formats | Rate Limited? |
POST | Required | XML, Json | XML, Json | 1000 request per hour |
Request Body
Attribute | Required? | Format | Description |
IssueUser | No | String | Issuer’s registered Seller Portal email address. System will only accept Seller’s registered Seller Portal email addresses. If left blank, default value will be Seller ID. |
OperationType | Yes | String | Fixed value: IssueCourtesyRefund |
SourceSONumber | Yes | Integer | The order number which the RMA is issued for. |
RefundReason | Yes | Integer | Available values:
1: Negative customer feedback |
TotalRefundAmount | Yes | Decimal | The total amount need to refund. The total refund amount cannot exceed order amount or order amount minus previously refunded amount.
NoteToCustomer | No | String | The note of this courtesy refund to customer, max 500 characters. |
Schema: IssueCRRequest.xsd
Example: XML, Request
POST{sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml <NeweggAPIRequest> <OperationType>IssueCourtesyRefund</OperationType> <RequestBody> <IssueCourtesyRefund> <SourceSONumber>11007735</SourceSONumber> <RefundReason>1</RefundReason> <TotalRefundAmount>2.01</TotalRefundAmount> <NoteToCustomer>this is a test note</NoteToCustomer> </IssueCourtesyRefund> </RequestBody> </NeweggAPIRequest>
Example: Json, Response
POST{sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "OperationType": "IssueCourtesyRefund", "RequestBody": { "IssueCourtesyRefund": { "SourceSONumber": "11007735", "RefundReason": "1", "TotalRefundAmount": "2.01", "NoteToCustomer": "this is a test note" } } }
Response Body
Attribute | Format | Description |
IsSuccess | String | Get feed status operation:
True: Successful |
OperationType | String | Fixed value: CourtesyRefundResponse |
SellerID | String | Your seller ID |
RequestID | String | Newgg’s assigned ID number for request |
RequestDate | String | The date when the request was submitted (Pacific Standard Time) |
RequestSatus | String | The status of the request submission
Available value: SUBMITTED |
Memo | String | Additional notes |
Schema: IssueCRResponse.xsd
Example: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <NeweggAPIResponse> <IsSuccess>true</IsSuccess> <OperationType>CourtesyRefundResponse</OperationType> <SellerID>A006</SellerID> <ResponseBody> <ResponseList> <ResponseInfo> <RequestId>cb0c9123-b7ac-454d-84d7-3fab9bf7e1f8</RequestId> <RequestDate>2/17/2012 19:15:00</RequestDate> <RequestStatus>SUBMITTED</RequestStatus> </ResponseInfo> </ResponseList> </ResponseBody> </NeweggAPIResponse>
Example: Json, Response
{ "IsSuccess": "true", "OperationType": "CourtesyRefundResponse", "SellerID": "A006", "ResponseBody": { "ResponseList": { "ResponseInfo": { "RequestId": "cb0c9123-b7ac-454d-84d7-3fab9bf7e1f8", "RequestDate": "2/17/2012 19:15:00", "RequestStatus": "SUBMITTED" } } } }
Request Failure Errors
For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.
Error Code | Description |
SE004 | Cannot issue RMA because the order has not been invoiced. |
SE019 | Item total refund amount must be greater than 0. |
SE023 | Total refund amount cannot exceed total order amount, which = {0.00}. |
SE025 | Cannot issue RMA because the order type is invalid. |
SE026 | Cannot issue RMA because the order is a replacement order. |
SE027 | Cannot issue RMA because the order has been voided. |
SE033 | Invalid order number. |
Example: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Errors> <Error> <Code>SE004</Code> <Message>Cannot issue RMA because the order has not been invoiced</Message> </Error> </Errors>
Example: Json, Response
[ { "Code": "SE004", "Message": "Cannot issue RMA because the order has not been invoiced" } ]
Last updated: October 15, 2018