Get RMA Information
Get RMA information by specified query conditions.
Resource URL{sellerid}&version={version}{sellerid}&version={version}{sellerid}&version={version}
Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.
Name | Required? | Description |
sellerid | Yes | Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace |
version | Yes | and
Resource Information
HTTP Method | Authentication? | Request Formats | Response Formats | Rate Limited? |
PUT | Required | XML, Json | XML, Json | 1000 request per hour |
Request Body
Attribute | Required? | Format | Description |
IssueUser | No | String | The RMA issuer’s registered Seller Portal email address. System will only accept Seller’s registered Seller Portal email addresses. If left blank, default value will be Seller ID. |
OperationType | Yes | String | Fixed value: GetRMAInfoRequest |
PageSize | No | Integer | How many records in a page
PageIndex | No | Integer | Current page index
KeywordsType | No | Integer | Available values:
Note: For SellerRMANumber:
KeywordsValue | No | String | The keywords value of the specified type |
Status | No | Integer | Available values:
RMADateFrom | No | String | Search RMA by date range (Pacific Standard Time)
Please refer to the Acceptable Date Format |
RMADateTo | No | String | Search RMA by date range (Pacific Standard Time)
Please refer to the Acceptable Date Format |
RMAType | No | Integer | Available values:
ProcessedBy | No | Integer | Available values:
Schema: RMAInfoRequest.xsd
Example: XML, Request
PUT{sellerid}&version={version} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml <NeweggAPIRequest> <OperationType>GetRMAInfoRequest</OperationType> <RequestBody> <PageInfo> <PageIndex>1</PageIndex> <PageSize>10</PageSize> </PageInfo> <KeywordsType>1</KeywordsType> <KeywordsValue>2135422</KeywordsValue> <Status>0</Status> <RMADateFrom>2012-01-11</RMADateFrom> <RMADateTo>2012-01-12</RMADateTo> <RMAType>0</RMAType> <ProcessedBy>0</ProcessedBy> </RequestBody> </NeweggAPIRequest>
Example: Json, Request
PUT{sellerid}&version={version} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "OperationType": "GetRMAInfoRequest", "RequestBody": { "PageInfo": { "PageIndex": "1", "PageSize": "10" }, "KeywordsType": "1", "KeywordsValue": "2135422", "Status": "0", "RMADateFrom": "2012-01-11", "RMADateTo": "2012-01-12", "RMAType": "0", "ProcessedBy": "0" } }
Response Body
Attribute | Format | Description |
IsSuccess | String | Get feed status operation:
OperationType | String | Fixed value: IssueRMAResponse |
SellerID | String | Your seller ID |
TotalCount | Integer | How many record(s) in request |
TotalPageCount | Integer | How many page(s) return |
PageIndex | Integer | Current page index (Default is 1) |
PageSize | Integer | How many record(s) in a page (Max 100 per page) |
RMANumber | Integer | Newgg’s assigned number for RMA |
RMAType | Integer | Available values:
RMATypeDescription | String | Available values:
SellerRMANumber | String | Seller’s user defined RMA number
ReplacementOrderNumber | String | The Order Number of the replacement order. After confirming the return item is received, Newegg will create a replacement order for you to process.
Note:,,, available for RMA type: Replacement (RMAType value= 1) and the request version=309 |
IssueUser | String | RMA Issue User or Seller ID (if RMA Issue User was not specified when RMA was created) |
RMADate | String | Date of RMA (Pacific Standard Time) |
RMAStatus | Integer | Available values:
RMAStatusDescription | String | Available values:
RMAShipMethod | Integer | The ship method if the RMA type = Replacement:
If RMA type = Refund, this element will be blank. |
RMAShipMethodDescription | String | The ship method if the RMA type = Replacement:
If RMA type = Refund, this element will be blank. |
OrderNumber | Integer | Order Number of the RMA requested order |
OrderDate | String | Order Date (Pacific Standard Time) |
InvoiceNumber | Integer | Invoice Number of the order RMA requested order |
OrderAmount | Decimal | Order Amount
AvailableRefundAmount | Decimal | The Available Refund Amount = Total Order amount – Refunded Total Amount (Including current RMA)
RMAProcessedBy | String | Available values: “Newegg” or “Seller” |
RMAReceiveDate | String | RMA shipment received date (Pacific Standard Time) |
RMANote | String | Comment in this RMA if any noted |
PriorRefundAmount | Decimal | Previous Refund Amount if any
CustomerName | String | Customer Name |
CustomerPhoneNumber | String | Customer Phone Number |
CustomerEmailAddress | String | Newegg’s masked customer email address, you can reach to the customer through this email address.
For example: |
ShipToAddress1 | String | The order’s ship to address 1 |
ShipToAddress2 | String | The order’s ship to address 2 |
ShipToCityName | String | The order’s ship to city name |
ShipToStateCode | String | The order’s ship to state code |
ShipToZipCode | String | The order’s ship to zip code |
ShipToCountryCode | String | The order’s ship to country code |
ShipToLastName | String | The order’s ship to last name |
ShipToFirstName | String | The order’s ship to first name |
ShipToCompany | String | The order’s ship to company |
TrackingNumber | String | Return shipping label related information.
TrackingURL | String | |
LabelEstimateCost | Decimal | |
PaidBy | String | |
SellerPartNumber | String | The seller part number to identify seller’s item |
MfrPartNumber | String | Manufacturer Part Number assigned to item |
NeweggItemNumber | String | Newegg’s assigned number to item |
Description | String | The item’s website short title |
UnitPrice | Decimal | The item’s selling price
ReturnQuantity | Integer | The return quantity of each item in RMA |
ReturnUnitPrice | Decimal | If RMA type = Refund:
If RMA type = replacement, this element will be blank |
RefundShippingPrice | Decimal | If RMA type = Refund:
If RMA type = replacement, this element will be blank |
ShippedBy | Integer | If RMA type = Replacement, available values to indicate who will ship replacement:
RMAReason | Integer | The replacement/refund reason of each item’s in RMA Available values:
UnOpen | String | Has the item been unboxed. The parameter is only effective for USA , CAN |
FileUrls | String | Attach files of RMA items. The parameter is only effective for USA , CAN |
Memo | String | Memo of your RMA. The parameter is only effective for USA , CAN |
RMAReasonDescription | String | The replacement/refund reason of each item’s in RMA Available values:
ResponseDate | String | Response date (Pacific Standard Time) |
Schema: RMAInfoResponse.xsd
Example: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <NeweggAPIResponse> <IsSuccess>true</IsSuccess> <OperationType>GetRMAInfo</OperationType> <SellerID>A006</SellerID> <ResponseDate>05/16/2013 14:57:25</ResponseDate> <Memo></Memo> <ResponseBody> <PageInfo> <TotalCount>1</TotalCount> <TotalPageCount>1</TotalPageCount> <PageIndex>1</PageIndex> <PageSize>50</PageSize> </PageInfo> <RMAInfoList> <RMAInfo> <RMANumber>53424440</RMANumber> <RMAType>2</RMAType> <RMATypeDescription>Refund</RMATypeDescription> <SellerRMANumber>E12345678</SellerRMANumber> <IssueUser>A006</IssueUser> <RMADate>12/19/2012 00:06:30</RMADate> <RMAStatus>5</RMAStatus> <RMAStatusDescription>Closed</RMAStatusDescription> <RMAShipMethod></RMAShipMethod> <RMAShipMethodDescription></RMAShipMethodDescription> <OrderNumber>153985075</OrderNumber> <OrderDate>12/18/2012 23:00:09</OrderDate> <InvoiceNumber>95843690</InvoiceNumber> <OrderAmount>3.99</OrderAmount> <AvailableRefundAmount>0.00</AvailableRefundAmount> <RMAProcessedBy>Seller</RMAProcessedBy> <RMAReceiveDate>01/09/2013 18:40:28</RMAReceiveDate> <RMANote></RMANote> <PriorRefundAmount>0.00</PriorRefundAmount> <CustomerName>Fiona Test</CustomerName> <CustomerPhoneNumber>626-271-1420</CustomerPhoneNumber> <CustomerEmailAddress></CustomerEmailAddress> <ShipToAddress1>17708 Rowland St</ShipToAddress1> <ShipToAddress2></ShipToAddress2> <ShipToCityName>Rowland Heights</ShipToCityName> <ShipToStateCode>CA</ShipToStateCode> <ShipToZipCode>91748-1119</ShipToZipCode> <ShipToCountryCode>UNITED STATES</ShipToCountryCode> <ShipToLastName>Test</ShipToLastName> <ShipToFirstName>Fiona</ShipToFirstName> <ShipToCompany></ShipToCompany> <ReturnShippingLabel> <Label> <TrackingNumber>1ZA813779092080471</TrackingNumber> <TrackingURL></TrackingURL> <LabelEstimateCost>6.19</LabelEstimateCost> <PaidBy>Seller</PaidBy> </Label> </ReturnShippingLabel> <RMATransactionList> <RMATransaction> <SellerPartNumber>nz-tst-123</SellerPartNumber> <MfrPartNumber>nz-tst-123</MfrPartNumber> <NeweggItemNumber>9SIA0060BB9157</NeweggItemNumber> <Description>Test Flag</Description> <UnitPrice>3.99</UnitPrice> <ReturnQuantity>1</ReturnQuantity> <ReturnUnitPrice>3.99</ReturnUnitPrice> <RefundShippingPrice>0.00</RefundShippingPrice> <ShippedBy></ShippedBy> <RMAReason>4</RMAReason> <RMAReasonDescription>No longer needed</RMAReasonDescription> </RMATransaction> </RMATransactionList> </RMAInfo> </RMAInfoList> </ResponseBody> </NeweggAPIResponse>
Example: Json, Response
{ "NeweggAPIResponse": { "IsSuccess": "true", "OperationType": "GetRMAInfo", "SellerID": "A2GS", "ResponseBody": { "PageInfo": { "TotalCount": "1", "TotalPageCount": "1", "PageIndex": "1", "PageSize": "100" }, "RMAInfoList": { "RMAInfo": { "RMANumber": "21964299", "RMAType": "2", "RMATypeDescription": "Refund", "SellerRMANumber": "TestRMAA2GS20200305101", "IssueUser": "A2GS", "RMADate": "03/03/2020 17:16:49", "RMAStatus": "1", "RMAStatusDescription": "Open", "OrderNumber": "458765952", "OrderDate": "01/22/2020 19:03:37", "InvoiceNumber": "175154088", "OrderAmount": "0.81", "AvailableRefundAmount": "0.26", "RMAProcessedBy": "Newegg", "RMANote": "Test--This is a test RMA TestRMAA2GS20200305101 1001", "PriorRefundAmount": "0.40", "CustomerName": "Michael Liang", "CustomerPhoneNumber": "435-432-1431", "CustomerEmailAddress": "", "ShipToAddress1": "17709 Rowland St", "ShipToAddress2": "", "ShipToCityName": "Rowland Heights", "ShipToStateCode": "CA", "ShipToZipCode": "91748-1108", "ShipToCountryCode": "UNITED STATES", "ShipToLastName": "Liang", "ShipToFirstName": "Michael", "ShipToCompany": "", "ReturnShippingLabel": { "Label": { "TrackingNumber": "1ZA813779092080471", "TrackingURL": "", "LabelEstimateCost": "6.19", "PaidBy": "Seller" } }, "RMATransactionList": { "RMATransaction": { "SellerPartNumber": "Test_SP#AJST_201904090006", "MfrPartNumber": "Test_MP#201904090006", "NeweggItemNumber": "9SIA2GS9212178", "Description": "Test_Item Website Short Title 20190409_0006", "UnitPrice": "0.01", "ReturnQuantity": "1", "ReturnUnitPrice": "0.01", "RefundShippingPrice": "0.10", "RMAReason": "4", "RMAReasonDescription": "No longer needed" } } } } }, "ResponseDate": "03/06/2020 16:22:42" } }
Request Failure Errors
For common HTTP error responses, please refer to Failed Response Error Code List.
Example: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Errors> <Error> <Code>CE001</Code> <Message>SellerID cannot be null or empty</Message> </Error> </Errors>
Example: Json, Response
[ { "Code": "CE001", "Message": "SellerID cannot be null or empty" } ]
Last updated: October 15, 2018