Newegg Marketplace API Registration and Authentication

Registering To Use API Services

To use Newegg Marketplace API services, please reference API Access Authorization – Requesting API Credentials to obtain Newegg API credentials.

  • Obtain your API account API Key & Secret Key– once your API account request has been approved and created, Newegg Marketplace integration team will assign and send a pair of API key and secret key to you. You must provide the API key and the secret key per function as authentication in order to access Newegg Marketplace API services.
  • Authorize the access rights to 3rd party developer – if you want to allow your 3rd party developer(s) to access the Newegg Marketplace API services with your authorization, we assign a secret key to the developer(s). The 3rd party developer(s) must present their assigned API key and your secret key in order to access Newegg Marketplace API services on your behalf.

Important! We highly recommend that you do not let any unauthorized personnel or 3rd party developers have access to your original pair of API keys and secret keys. Anyone with this information can access our Newegg Marketplace API services as you.

Newegg Marketplace API Authentication

To access Newegg Marketplace API services, you must provide authentication information listed below:

Name Required? Description
Authorization Yes Format: Authorization:{authorization}

API key: the unique API Key which Newegg Marketplace integration team assigned to you

Secret Key Yes Format: Secretkey:{secretkey}

Secret key: the unique Secret Key which Newegg Marketplace integration team assigned to you

Example: XML, Request

Authorization: 727ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc15634
SecretKey: 1B6B1383-01D1-4A1E-BA53-05DECE9BD765
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml

Example: Json, Request

Authorization: 727ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc15634
SecretKey: 1B6B1383-01D1-4A1E-BA53-05DECE9BD765
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Authentication Failure Errors

API key authentication failure:

Error Code Description
InvalidConsumerKey The provided consumer key is incorrect or invalid

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Message>The provided consumer key is incorrect or invalid.</Message>

Example: Json, Response

        "Code": "InvalidConsumerKey",
        "Message": "The provided consumer key is malformed or otherwise invalid."

Authorization for Third-party Developer

If you are a third-party developer/integration partner who wants to access and utilize Newegg Marketplace API services for a seller, you must:

  • Complete the Partner Registration by contacting Newegg Marketplace Integration Team at
  • Get  the API key on a developer level
  • Get the Seller ID and Secret key from the seller/Newegg that authorized the Newegg Marketplace API services access to you, for each seller you are integrating for. (Seller and 3rd party developer can contact Newegg Marketplace for this information)
  • Specify the Seller ID in the URL. Attach your developer level of API key and seller level Secret key in the HTTP header. Please make sure the correct Seller ID and Secret Key are applied.

For the below example, the Secret Key must be the one corresponding to seller ID A001.

Example: XML, Request

Authorization: 727ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc15634
SecretKey: 1B6B1383-01D1-4A1E-BA53-05DECE9BD765
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml

Example: Json, Request

Authorization: 727ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc15634
SecretKey: 1B6B1383-01D1-4A1E-BA53-05DECE9BD765
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

Otherwise, the system will respond with the below error message due to the invalid secret key.

Example: XML, Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Message>Invalid secret key.</Message>

Example: Json, Response

        "Code": "InvalidToken",
        "Message": "Invalid secret key."

Last updated: October 15, 2018