Add Keyword to Group

Add new keywords to a campaign group.

Resource URL{sellerid}

Note: Please make sure your request URL is all in lower case (except for Seller ID) and cannot contain any blank spaces or line breaks.


Name Required? Description
sellerid Yes Your seller ID on Newegg Marketplace

Resource Information

HTTP Method Authentication? Request Formats Response Formats Rate Limited?
POST Required Json Json 1000 request per hour

Request Body

Attribute Required? Format Description
campaignNumber Yes Integer The identifier of the campaign to which the keyword is associated
groupNumber Yes Integer The identifier of the ad group to which this keyword is associated
keywords keyword Yes String The keyword text. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 1000. The keywords under the same group cannot be repeated
normalizedKeyword Yes String Normalized Keyword
bid Yes Decimal Bid associated with this keyword. Applicable to biddable match types only
matchType Yes Integer The type of match. Available values:

  • 0:  Exact
  • 1:  Broad
  • 6:  Phrase

Example: Json, Request

Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634
SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "campaignNumber": 958929,
  "groupNumber": 958930,
  "keywords": [
      "keyword": "m.2 nvme ssd",
      "normalizedKeyword": "m.2|nvme|ssd",
      "bid": 0.35,
      "matchType": 0

Response Body

msg String Return Message
biz code Integer Available values:

  • 020:  add 2 keyword to Group:#
  • 001: add keyword to group success

Example: Json, Response

  "header": [
      "msg": "add 1 keyword to Group:958930",
      "bizCode": "020"

Last updated: June 29, 2022