Newegg.com: https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/shippingservice/shippinglabel/estimateshippinglabel?sellerid={sellerid} Neweggbusiness.com: https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/b2b/shippingservice/shippinglabel/estimateshippinglabel?sellerid={sellerid} Newegg.ca: https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/can/shippingservice/shippinglabel/estimateshippinglabel?sellerid={sellerid}
註:請確保您的請求URL全都是小寫(除Seller ID)並且不能包含任何空格或者分行符號。
名稱 | 是否必填? | 描述 |
sellerid | 是 | 您在新蛋商城的商家編號 |
HTTP方式 | 是否需要認證? | 請求格式 | 回覆格式 | 頻率限制 |
PUT | 需要 | XML,Json | XML,Json | 1000 請求/小時 |
屬性 | 是否必填? | 格式 | 描述 | ||||||||||||||||||||
OperationType | 是 | String | 固定值:EstimateShippingLabel | ||||||||||||||||||||
SellerID | 是 | String | 您的商家編號 | ||||||||||||||||||||
OrderNumber | 是 | Integer | 訂單編號 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShippingCarrierCode | 是 | Integer | 可用的物流公司編碼: 100 –新蛋合作物流商 – UPS |
ShippingServiceCode | 否 | Integer | 可用的運輸服務代碼:
對Newegg.com, Neweggbusiness.com: 對Newegg.ca: 註意:如果該欄位為空,系統會根據顧客下單時選擇的運送方式自動分配一個預設值。預設的運送服務匹配表如下所示:
對 Newegg.ca:
*可選物流商服務 |
ShipFromFirstName | 是 | String | 發貨人名 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShipFromLastName | 是 | String | 發貨人姓 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShipFromPhoneNumber | 是 | String | 發貨人聯繫電話 | ||||||||||||||||||||
ShipFromAddress1 | 是 | String | 收貨地址1 運費是按照該位址計算,請填寫正確資訊。 |
ShipFromAddress2 | 否 | String | 收貨地址2 運費是按照該位址計算,請填寫正確資訊。 |
ShipFromCityName | 是 | String | 發貨地所在城市 運費是按照該位址計算,請填寫正確資訊。 |
ShipFromStateCode | 是 | String | 發貨地所在州: 如CA,FL 等 運費是按照該位址計算,請填寫正確資訊。 |
ShpFromZipCode | 是 | String | 發貨地郵編:如91748,91773等 運費是按照該位址計算,請填寫正確資訊。 |
ShipFromCountryCode | 是 | String | 發貨地所在國家的三位國家代碼
PackageWeight | 是 | Decimal | 包裹重量
PackageLength | 是 | Decimal | 包裹長度
PackageHeight | 是 | Decimal | 包裹高度
PackageWidth | 是 | Decimal | 包裹寬度
SignatureOptions | 否 | String | 選項:
SellerPartNumber | 是 | String | 商品的Seller Part# | ||||||||||||||||||||
Quantity | 是 | Integer | 商品數量 |
Schema: ShippingLabelEstimateRequest.xsd
示例:XML, Request
POST https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/shippingservice/shippinglabel/estimateshippinglabel?sellerid={sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/xml Accept: application/xml <NeweggAPIRequest> <OperationType>EstimateShippingLabel</OperationType> <SellerID>A006</SellerID> <RequestBody> <Shipment> <OrderNumber>2135751360</OrderNumber> <ShippingCarrierCode>100</ShippingCarrierCode> <ShippingServiceCode>101</ShippingServiceCode> <ShipFromFirstName>John</ShipFromFirstName> <ShipFromLastName>Doe</ShipFromLastName> <ShipFromPhoneNumber>6266171420</ShipFromPhoneNumber> <ShipFromAddress1>18045 Rowland Street</ShipFromAddress1> <ShipFromAddress2/> <ShipFromCityName>City Of Industry</ShipFromCityName> <ShipFromStateCode>CA</ShipFromStateCode> <ShipFromZipCode>91748</ShipFromZipCode> <ShipFromCountryCode>USA</ShipFromCountryCode> <PackageList> <Package> <PackageWeight>5</PackageWeight> <PackageLength>5.00</PackageLength> <PackageHeight>4.00</PackageHeight> <PackageWidth>3.00</PackageWidth> <SignatureOptions>Regular</SignatureOptions> <ItemList> <Item> <SellerPartNumber>201307220000101</SellerPartNumber> <Quantity>4</Quantity> </Item> <Item> <SellerPartNumber>SARATEST0118</SellerPartNumber> <Quantity>1</Quantity> </Item> </ItemList> </Package> <Package> <PackageWeight>1.5</PackageWeight> <PackageLength>2.00</PackageLength> <PackageHeight>3.00</PackageHeight> <PackageWidth>4.00</PackageWidth> <ItemList> <Item> <SellerPartNumber>201307220000102</SellerPartNumber> <Quantity>3</Quantity> </Item> </ItemList> </Package> </PackageList> </Shipment> </RequestBody> </NeweggAPIRequest>
示例:Json, Request
POST https://api.newegg.com/marketplace/shippingservice/shippinglabel/estimateshippinglabel?sellerid={sellerid} Authorization: 720ddc067f4d115bd544aff46bc75634 SecretKey: 21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "NeweggAPIRequest": { "OperationType": "EstimateShippingLabel", "SellerID": "A006", "RequestBody": { "Shipment": { "OrderNumber": "2135751360", "ShippingCarrierCode": "100", "ShippingServiceCode": "101", "ShipFromFirstName": "John", "ShipFromLastName": "Doe", "ShipFromPhoneNumber": "6266171420", "ShipFromAddress1": "18045 Rowland Street", "ShipFromCityName": "City Of Industry", "ShipFromStateCode": "CA", "ShipFromZipCode": "91748", "ShipFromCountryCode": "USA", "PackageList": { "Package": [ { "PackageWeight": "5", "PackageLength": "5.00", "PackageHeight": "4.00", "PackageWidth": "3.00", "SignatureOptions": "Regular", "ItemList": { "Item": [ { "SellerPartNumber": "201307220000101", "Quantity": "4" }, { "SellerPartNumber": "SARATEST0118", "Quantity": "1" } ] } }, { "PackageWeight": "1.5", "PackageLength": "2.00", "PackageHeight": "3.00", "PackageWidth": "4.00", "ItemList": { "Item": { "SellerPartNumber": "201307220000102", "Quantity": "3" } } } ] } } } } }
屬性 | 格式 | 描述 |
IsSuccess | String | 用來確認獲取請求狀態的操作是否成功 True:成功 False:失敗 |
OperationType | String | 固定值:EstimateShippingLabelResponse |
SellerID | String | 商家編號 |
OrderNumber | Integer | 需要操作的訂單編號 |
EstimatedDate | String | 確認發貨請求的估算日期(太平洋標準時間) |
PackageWeight | Decimal | 包裹重量 |
PackageLength | Decimal | 包裹長度 |
PackageHeight | Decimal | 包裹高度 |
PackageWidth | Decimal | 包裹寬度 |
SignatureOptions | String |
ProcessResult | String | 請求失敗或者成功 |
ErrorMessage | String | 進程失敗的詳細資訊 |
EstimatedShipWeight | Decimal | 預估包裹重量 |
EstimatedArriveByArriveBy | String | 預估合作物流商將交付貨物的日期 |
EstimatedShippingAmount | Decimal | 預估合作物流商將收取的貨件費用 |
EstimatedShippingAmount | Decimal | 預估合作物流商將收取所需簽名的費用 |
EstimatedTotal | Decimal | 預估物流商將收取的總金額:預估貨件費 + 預估簽名費 |
Schema: ShippingLabelEstimateResponse.xsd
示例: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <NeweggAPIResponse> <IsSuccess>true</IsSuccess> <OperationType>EstimateShippingLabelResponse</OperationType> <SellerID>A006</SellerID> <ResponseBody> <Shipment> <OrderNumber>2135751360</OrderNumber> <EstimatedDate>12/25/2015</EstimatedDate> <PackageList> <Package> <PackageWeight>5</PackageWeight> <PackageLength>5.00</PackageLength> <PackageHeight>4.00</PackageHeight> <PackageWidth>3.00</PackageWidth> <SignatureOptions>Regular</SignatureOptions> <ProcessResult>Success</ProcessResult> <ErrorMessage/> <EstimatedRate> <EstimatedShipWeight>6.5</EstimatedShipWeight> <EstimatedArriveBy>12/29/2015</EstimatedArriveBy> <EstimatedShippingAmount>21.94</EstimatedShippingAmount> <EstimatedSignatureOptions>4.25</EstimatedSignatureOptions> <EstimatedTotal>26.19</EstimatedTotal> </EstimatedRate> </Package> <Package> <PackageWeight>1.5</PackageWeight> <PackageLength>2.00</PackageLength> <PackageHeight>3.00</PackageHeight> <PackageWidth>4.00</PackageWidth> <ProcessResult>Success</ProcessResult> <ErrorMessage/> <EstimatedRate> <EstimatedShipWeight>6.5</EstimatedShipWeight> <EstimatedArriveBy>12/29/2015</EstimatedArriveBy> <EstimatedShippingAmount>15.50</EstimatedShippingAmount> <EstimatedSignatureOptions>0.00</EstimatedSignatureOptions> <EstimatedTotal>15.50</EstimatedTotal> </EstimatedRate> </Package> </PackageList> </Shipment> </ResponseBody> </NeweggAPIResponse>
示例: Json, Response
{ "NeweggAPIResponse": { "IsSuccess": "true", "OperationType": "EstimateShippingLabelResponse", "SellerID": "A006", "ResponseBody": { "Shipment": { "OrderNumber": "2135751360", "EstimatedDate": "12/25/2015", "PackageList": { "Package": [ { "PackageWeight": "5", "PackageLength": "5.00", "PackageHeight": "4.00", "PackageWidth": "3.00", "SignatureOptions": "Regular", "ProcessResult": "Success", "EstimatedRate": { "EstimatedShipWeight": "6.5", "EstimatedArriveBy": "12/29/2015", "EstimatedShippingAmount": "21.94", "EstimatedSignatureOptions": "4.25", "EstimatedTotal": "26.19" } }, { "PackageWeight": "1.5", "PackageLength": "2.00", "PackageHeight": "3.00", "PackageWidth": "4.00", "ProcessResult": "Success", "EstimatedRate": { "EstimatedShipWeight": "6.5", "EstimatedArriveBy": "12/29/2015", "EstimatedShippingAmount": "15.50", "EstimatedSignatureOptions": "0.00", "EstimatedTotal": "15.50" } } ] } } } } }
錯誤代碼 | 描述 |
SL001 | Your request cannot be processed. The tem(s):{0} in order: [Order #] has been shipped or voided.
你的請求無法處理。[Order #]已經被運送或被作廢。 |
SL002 | No data found or this order does not belong to this seller.
無法找到該訂單或該訂單不屬於這個商家。 |
SL003 | Only unshipped orders can submit a shipping request. The order status is currently {order status}.
只有未運送的訂單可以提交運送請求。當前訂單狀態為{order status}。 |
SL004 | Only shipped by seller orders can submit a shipping request.
只有商家配送的請求可以提交運送請求。 |
SL005 | Seller Part #: {sellerpart#} must be shipped for its entire quantity on the order.
商品{seller part#}必須按訂單中全部數量運送。 |
SL006 | The field: [PackageWeight or PackageLength or PackageHeight or PackageWidth] is required when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode: 100). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide.
使用新蛋合作物流公司服務(ShippingCarrierCode: 100)必須填寫欄位:[包裝重量,包裝長度,包裝高度,包裝寬度]。更多資訊請瀏覽新蛋 API 開發者手冊。 |
SL007 | The value in the field: PackageWeight cannot exceed {Maximum package weight limit by Newegg Partnered Carrier} lbs. ({Maximum package weight limit by Newegg Partnered Carrier}kg) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode: {ShippingCarrierCode}). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide.
在使用新蛋合作物流服務(ShippingCarrierCode: {ShippingCarrierCode})時,包裝重量超過{新蛋合作物流服務允許的最大重量限制}lbs。更多資訊請瀏覽新蛋 API 開發者手冊。 |
SL008 | The value in the field: PackageLength cannot exceed {Maximum package length limit by Newegg Partnered Carrier} inches ({Maximum package length limit by Newegg Partnered Carrier} cm) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode: {ShippingCarrierCode}). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide.
在使用新蛋合作物流服務(ShippingCarrierCode: {ShippingCarrierCode})時,包裝長度超過{新蛋合作物流服務 允許的最大長度限制}inches。更多資訊請瀏覽新蛋API 開發者手冊。 |
SL009 | Package size cannot exceed {Maximum package cubic size limit by Newegg Partnered Carrier}inches ({Maximum package cubic size limit by Newegg Partnered Carrier} cm) in (Package Length + 2x Package Width + 2x Package Height) when using Newegg Partnered Carrier service (ShippingCarrierCode: {ShippingCarrierCode}). For more detail, please review Newegg API Development Guide.
在使用新蛋合作物流服務(ShippingCarrierCode: {ShippingCarrierCode})時,包裝尺寸(包裝長度 + 2x 包裝寬度 + 2x 包裝高度)不能超過{新蛋合作物流服務允許的最大包裝立方大小}inches。更多資訊請瀏覽新蛋 API 開發者手冊。 |
SL010 | Cannot submit the request because seller part number(s):{sellerpart#} does NOT belong to this order.
無法提交請求因為商品{sellerpart#}不屬於這個商家。 |
SL015 | Cannot submit the request because currently only supports USA domestic transportation.Please revise the Ship From or Ship To information and try again.
無法提交該請求因為當前只支持美國國內運輸。請修改發貨地或收件人資訊之後再次提交請求。 |
SL027 | Invalid request. You are not able to use Newegg Shipping Label Service before sign up. Please visit Newegg Seller Portal > Add-on Services > Newegg Shipping Label Service to sign up.
無效請求。在註冊成功之前不能使用新蛋貨運標籤服務。請登入 Seller Portal,進入 Add-on Services > Newegg Shipping Label Service 進行註冊。 |
SL030 | Invalid request. The ShippingServiceCode :{ shipping service code} you specified is not a recognized value for ShippingCarrierCode :{ shipping carrier code}. Please review Newegg API Development Guide or schema for correct information.
無效請求。你指定的運送服務編號{ shipping service code}對於物流公司{ shipping carrier code}無法識別。請瀏覽新蛋 API 開發者手冊或源碼文件獲取正確資訊。 |
示例: XML, Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Errors> <Error> <Code>SL001</Code> <Message>Order Number should be an integer (ranging from 1 to 2147483647)</Message> </Error> </Errors>
示例: Json, Response
[ { "Code": "SL001", "Message": "Order Number should be an integer (ranging from 1 to 2147483647)" } ]