错误代码 | 描述 |
400 | The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax. 由于语法错误,该请求无法完成。 |
401 | Unauthorized. Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically used when authentication is possible but has failed or has not yet been provided. The response must include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. 未认证。 与403禁用类似,仅适用于有认证但认证失败或未提供认证的情况。 回复必须包含一个WWW的认证头文件,其中包含一个适用于已请求的资源。 |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference. 禁用。 该请求是合法的请求,但是服务器拒绝回复。与401未认证回复不同,该回复是认证无效。 |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible. 找不到数据。 找不到已请求的资源,但可能未来可用。客户提出的后续请求是被许可的。 |
405 | The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource. 由 Request-URI 标识的资源不允许使用 Request-Line 中指定的方法。 回复必须包含一个Allow头部,该头部含有用于请求资源的有效方法列表。 |
409 | Conflict. Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as an edit conflict. 有冲突。 由于请求中有冲突,该请求不能被处理,例如编辑冲突。 |
500 | Internal Server Error. A generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable. 内部服务器错误。 当没有适时给出更多指定的信息时的通用错误信息。 |
501 | Not Implemented. The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request. 未完成。 服务器未能识别请求方式,或者不能完成请求。 |
503 | Service Unavailable. The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Generally, this is a temporary state. 找不到服务器。 服务器当前不可用(由于过度加载或停机维护)。通常,这是一个暂时状态。 |
错误代码 | 描述 |
CE001 | SellerID cannot be null or empty. Seller ID 不能为空。 |
CE002 | Invalid SellerID. 无效的 Seller ID。 |
CE003 | XML parsing error. {parse error message} XML 语法错误。 |
CE004 | The request type you specified is invalid. 你指定的请求类型无效。 |
CE006 | Invalid Issue user. 无效的发送用户。 |
CE007 | The MaxCount (maximum return records) is invalid. Default is 100. If you specified over than 100, the system still return 100 records. 最大数(返回记录数最大值)无效。默认为 100。如果你指定的记录数超过 100,系统仍将返回 100 条记录数。 |
CE008 | DateFrom is required. 起始时间(DateFrom)必填。 |
CE009 | DateTo is required. 结束时间(DateTo)必填。 |
CE010 | Invalid Date From. 起始时间(DateFrom)无效。 |
CE011 | Invalid Date To. 结束时间(DateTo)无效。 |
CE012 | System is currently processing your request, please wait a moment and try again. 系统当前正在处理你的请求,请稍等或稍后再试。 |
CE013 | No data found 找不到数据。 |
CE014 | SellerNoRightError_{0} Available values 有效值: SellerNoRightError_suspended 已冻结 SellerNoRightError_terminated 已终止 SellerNoRightError_closed 已关闭 SellerNoRightError_new 新创建 SellerNoRightError_ holiday lock 假日锁 (NOTE: This error is to indicate the seller status that not able to submit any request) (注:该错误表明当前商家账户状态无法提交请求) |
CE016 | Request cannot be processed because the current seller status is suspended. 由于当前商家状态为已冻结,无法处理请求。 |
CE017 | Request cannot be processed because the current seller status is terminated. 由于当前商家状态为已终止,无法处理请求。 |
CE018 | Request cannot be processed because the current seller status is closed. 由于当前商家状态为已关闭,无法处理请求。 |
CE019 | Request cannot be processed because the current seller status is new. 由于当前商家状态为新创建,无法处理请求。 |
CE021 | The DateTo should later than the DateFrom 结束时间应晚于起始时间。 |
CE022 | System is currently experiencing heavy traffic in processing your request. Please wait a moment and try again. 系统当前处于拥堵状态无法处理你的请求。请稍等并稍后再试。 |
CE023 | The service is unavailable or experiencing extremely high error rates. 服务不可用或错误率太高。 |
CE024 | We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Newegg Marketplace API is currently under scheduled maintenance and upgrades but will return shortly (From [{begin time}] to [{end time}]). Thank you for your patience. 我们为给你造成的不便致以诚挚歉意。新蛋商城 API当前正处于定期维护和升级中,不久就会恢复。(从 [{begin time}] 到 [{end time}])感谢你的耐心等待。 |